Searching, retrieving, and parsing data from NCBI databases through the Unix command line.
Entrez Direct (EDirect) provides access to the NCBI's suite of interconnected databases from a Unix terminal window. Search terms are entered as command-line arguments. Individual operations are connected with Unix pipes to allow construction of multi-step queries. Selected records can then be retrieved in a variety of formats.
EDirect also includes an argument-driven utility that simplifies the extraction of results in structured XML or JSON format, and a program that builds a URL from command-line arguments for easy access to external CGI data services. These can eliminate the need for writing custom software to answer ad hoc questions.
Queries can move seamlessly between EDirect programs and Unix utilities or scripts to perform actions that cannot be accomplished entirely within Entrez.
EDirect connects to Entrez through the Entrez Programming Utilities interface. It supports searching by indexed terms, looking up precomputed neighbors or links, filtering results by date or category, and downloading record summaries or reports.
EDirect navigation programs (esearch, elink, efilter, and efetch) communicate by means of a small structured message, which can be passed invisibly between operations with a Unix pipe. The message includes the current database, so it does not need to be given as an argument after the first step.
All EDirect programs are designed to work on large sets of data. Intermediate results are stored on the Entrez history server. For best performance, obtain an API Key from NCBI, and place the following line in your .bash_profile configuration file:
export NCBI_API_KEY=unique_api_key_goes_here
Each program also has a -help command that prints detailed information about available arguments.
Esearch performs a new Entrez search using terms in indexed fields. It requires a -db argument for the database name and uses -query to obtain the search terms. For PubMed, without field qualifiers, the server uses automatic term mapping to compose a search strategy by translating the supplied query:
esearch -db pubmed -query "selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor"
Search terms can also be qualified with bracketed field names:
esearch -db nucleotide -query "insulin [PROT] AND rodents [ORGN]"
Elink looks up precomputed neighbors within a database, or finds associated records in other databases:
elink -related
elink -target gene
or can follow PubMed references in the NIH Open Citation Collection dataset (see PMID 31600197):
elink -cited
elink -cites
Efilter limits the results of a previous query, with shortcuts that can also be used in esearch:
efilter -molecule genomic -location chloroplast -country sweden -days 365
Efetch downloads selected records or reports in a designated format:
efetch -format abstract
Individual query commands are connected by a Unix vertical bar pipe symbol:
esearch -db pubmed -query "tn3 transposition immunity" | efetch -format medline
PubMed related articles are calculated by a statistical text retrieval algorithm using the title, abstract, and medical subject headings (MeSH terms). The connections between papers can be used for making discoveries. A simple example is finding the last enzymatic step in the vitamin A biosynthetic pathway.
Lycopene cyclase in plants converts lycopene to beta-carotene, the immediate precursor of vitamin A. An initial search on the enzyme finds 246 articles. Looking up precomputed neighbors:
esearch -db pubmed -query "lycopene cyclase" |
elink -related |
returns 14,958 PubMed papers, some of which might be expected to discuss adjacent steps in the pathway. Since plants cannot convert beta-carotene to retinal, we first link to proteins, finding 391,755 sequence records (each of which has standardized organism information from the NCBI taxonomy). Next we restrict those results to animals, to eliminate earlier steps in the pathway. Limiting to curated proteins in mice matches 25 records:
elink -target protein |
efilter -organism mouse -source refseq |
This is small enough to examine individually, so we retrieve the records in FASTA format:
efetch -format fasta
As anticipated, the results include the enzyme that splits beta-carotene into two molecules of retinal:
>NP_067461.2 beta,beta-carotene 15,15'-dioxygenase isoform 1 [Mus musculus]
The entire set of commands runs in 8 seconds. There is no need to use a script to loop over records one at a time, or write code to retry after a transient network failure, or add a time delay between requests. All of these features are already built into the EDirect commands.
The ability to obtain Entrez records in structured format, and to easily extract the underlying data, allows the user to ask novel questions that are not addressed by existing analysis software.
The xtract program uses command-line arguments to direct the conversion of XML data into a more tractable form. The -pattern command partitions an XML stream into individual records that are processed separately. Within each record, the -element command does an exhaustive, depth-first search to find data content by field name. Explicit paths to objects are not needed.
Selection commands are derivatives of -element. These include positional commands (-first and -last), numeric operations (including -num, -len, -inc, -sum, -min, -max, and -avg), text processing variants (such as -encode, -plain, -upper, -title, and -words), and functions that perform sequence or coordinate conversion (-revcomp, -0-based, -1-based, and -ucsc-based).
By default, the -pattern argument divides the results into rows, while placement of data into columns is controlled by -element, to create a tab-delimited table.
Formatting commands allow extensive customization of the output. The line break between -pattern output rows can be changed with -ret, and the tab character between -element fields can be replaced by -tab. The -sep argument is used to distinguish multiple elements of the same type, and controls their separation independently of the -tab command. The following query:
efetch -db pubmed -id 6271474,6092233,16589597 -format docsum |
xtract -pattern DocumentSummary -sep "|" -element Id PubDate Name
returns a table with individual author names separated by vertical bars:
6271474 1981 Casadaban MJ|Chou J|Lemaux P|Tu CP|Cohen SN
6092233 1984 Jul-Aug Calderon IL|Contopoulou CR|Mortimer RK
16589597 1954 Dec Garber ED
The -def command sets a default placeholder to be printed when an -element field is not present.
Exploration commands provide fine control over the order in which XML record contents are examined, by presenting each instance of a selected subregion separately. This limits what subsequent commands "see", and allows related fields in an object to be kept together.
In contrast to the simpler DocumentSummary format, records retrieved as PubmedArticle XML:
efetch -db pubmed -id 1413997 -format xml |
have authors with separate fields for last name and initials:
Without being given any guidance about context, an -element command on initials and last names:
xtract -pattern PubmedArticle -element Initials LastName
will explore the current record for each argument in turn, and thus print all author initials followed by all author last names:
RK CR JS Mortimer Contopoulou King
Inserting a -block command redirects data exploration to present each author one at a time. The subsequent -element command only sees the current author's values:
xtract -pattern PubmedArticle -block Author -element Initials LastName
which restores the correct association of initials and last names:
RK Mortimer CR Contopoulou JS King
The -sep value also applies to unrelated -element arguments that are grouped with commas:
xtract -pattern PubmedArticle \
-block Author -sep " " -tab ", " -element Initials,LastName
allowing -sep -and -tab to produce a more desirable formatting of author names:
RK Mortimer, CR Contopoulou, JS King
Exploration command names (-group, -block, and -subset) are assigned to a precedence hierarchy:
-pattern > -group > -block > -subset > -element
and are combined in ranked order to control object iteration at progressively deeper levels in the XML data structure. Each command argument acts as a "nested for-loop" control variable, retaining information about the context, or state of exploration, at its level.
(Hypothetical) census data would need several nested loops to visit each unique address in context:
-pattern State -group City -block Street -subset Number -element Resident
MeSH terms can have their own unique set of qualifiers, with a major topic attribute on each object:
Since -element does its own exploration for objects within its current scope, a -block command:
-block MeshHeading -sep " / " -element DescriptorName,QualifierName
is sufficient for grouping each MeSH name with its qualifiers:
beta-Galactosidase / genetics / metabolism
Adding -subset commands within the -block visits each individual descriptor or qualifier object on the current MeSH term:
efetch -db pubmed -id 6162838 -format xml |
xtract -transform <( echo -e "Y\t*\n" ) \
-pattern PubmedArticle -element MedlineCitation/PMID \
-block MeshHeading -clr \
-subset DescriptorName -plg "\n" -tab "" \
-translate "@MajorTopicYN" -element DescriptorName \
-subset QualifierName -plg " / " -tab "" \
-translate "@MajorTopicYN" -element QualifierName
and keeps major topic attributes associated with their parent objects. A text translation command converts the "Y" attribute value to an asterisk for printing:
Base Sequence
*DNA, Recombinant
Escherichia coli / genetics
RNA, Messenger / *genetics
Transcription, Genetic
beta-Galactosidase / *genetics / metabolism
(Note that "-element MedlineCitation/PMID" uses the parent-slash-child construct to prevent the display of additional PMID items that may be present later in CommentsCorrections objects.)
Conditional processing commands (-if, -unless, -and, -or, and -else) restrict exploration by object name and value. These may be used in conjunction with string or numeric constraints:
esearch -db pubmed -query "Casadaban MJ [AUTH]" |
efetch -format xml |
xtract -pattern PubmedArticle -if "#Author" -lt 6 \
-block Author -if LastName -is-not Casadaban \
-sep ", " -tab "\n" -element LastName,Initials |
to select papers with fewer than 6 authors and print a table of the most frequent coauthors:
11 Chou, J
8 Cohen, SN
7 Groisman, EA
A value can be recorded in a variable and used wherever needed. Variables are created by a hyphen followed by a name consisting of a string of capital letters or digits (e.g., -PMID). Values are retrieved by placing an ampersand before the variable name (e.g., "&PMID") in an -element statement:
efetch -db pubmed -id 3201829,6301692,781293 -format xml |
xtract -pattern PubmedArticle -PMID MedlineCitation/PMID \
-block Author -element "&PMID" \
-sep " " -tab "\n" -element Initials,LastName
producing a list of authors, with the PubMed Identifier in the first column of each row:
3201829 JR Johnston
3201829 CR Contopoulou
3201829 RK Mortimer
6301692 MA Krasnow
6301692 NR Cozzarelli
781293 MJ Casadaban
The variable can be used even though the original object is no longer visible inside the -block section.
The NCBI represents sequence records in a data model based on the central dogma of molecular biology. A sequence can have multiple features, which contain information about the biology of a given region, including the transformations involved in gene expression. Each feature can have multiple qualifiers, which store specific details about that feature (e.g., name of the gene, genetic code used for translation, accession of the product sequence).
The data hierarchy is explored using a -pattern {sequence} -group {feature} -block {qualifier} construct. As a convenience, an -insd helper function generates the appropriate nested extraction commands from feature and qualifier names on the command line. For example, processing the results of a search on cone snail venom:
esearch -db protein -query "conotoxin" -feature mat_peptide |
efetch -format gpc |
xtract -insd complete mat_peptide "%peptide" product mol_wt peptide |
grep -i conotoxin | sort -t $'\t' -u -k 2,2n
returns the accession, peptide length, product name, calculated molecular weight, and sequence for a sample of neurotoxic peptides:
ADB43131.1 15 conotoxin Cal 1b 1708 LCCKRHHGCHPCGRT
ADB43128.1 16 conotoxin Cal 5.1 1829 DPAPCCQHPIETCCRR
AIC77105.1 17 conotoxin Lt1.4 1705 GCCSHPACDVNNPDICG
ADB43129.1 18 conotoxin Cal 5.2 2008 MIQRSQCCAVKKNCCHVG
ADD97803.1 20 conotoxin Cal 1.2 2206 AGCCPTIMYKTGACRTNRCR
AIC77085.1 21 conotoxin Bt14.8 2574 NECDNCMRSFCSMIYEKCRLK
ADB43125.1 22 conotoxin Cal 14.2 2157 GCPADCPNTCDSSNKCSPGFPG
AIC77154.1 23 conotoxin Bt14.19 2578 VREKDCPPHPVPGMHKCVCLKTC
To list all genes between two markers flanking the human X chromosome centromere, first retrieve the chromosome record:
esearch -db gene -query "Homo sapiens [ORGN] AND X [CHR]" |
efilter -status alive -type coding | efetch -format docsum |
Gene names and chromosomal positions are extracted by piping the record to:
xtract -pattern DocumentSummary -NME Name -DSC Description \
-block GenomicInfoType -if ChrLoc -equals X \
-min ChrStart,ChrStop -element "&NME" "&DSC" |
Exploring each GenomicInfoType is needed because of pseudoautosomal regions at the ends of the X and Y chromosomes. Without limiting to chromosome X, the copy of IL9R near the "q" telomere of chromosome Y would be erroneously placed with genes that are near the X chromosome centromere.
Results can now be sorted, filtered, and passed to the between-two-genes script:
sort -k 1,1n | cut -f 2- |
grep -v pseudogene | grep -v uncharacterized |
between-two-genes AMER1 FAAH2
to produce a table of known genes located between the two markers:
FAAH2 fatty acid amide hydrolase 2
SPIN2A spindlin family member 2A
ZXDB zinc finger X-linked duplicated B
NLRP2B NLR family pyrin domain containing 2B
ZXDA zinc finger X-linked duplicated A
SPIN4 spindlin family member 4
ARHGEF9 Cdc42 guanine nucleotide exchange factor 9
AMER1 APC membrane recruitment protein 1
A gene can be linked to the biochemical pathways in which it participates:
esearch -db gene -query "PAH [GENE]" -organism human |
elink -target biosystems |
efilter -pathway wikipathways |
Linking from a pathway record back to the gene database:
elink -target gene |
efetch -format docsum |
xtract -pattern DocumentSummary -element Name Description |
grep -v pseudogene | grep -v uncharacterized |
sort -f
returns the set of all genes known to be involved in the pathway:
AANAT aralkylamine N-acetyltransferase
ACADM acyl-CoA dehydrogenase medium chain
ACHE acetylcholinesterase (Cartwright blood group)
ADCYAP1 adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide 1
Genes encoded on the minus strand of a sequence:
esearch -db gene -query "DDT [GENE] AND mouse [ORGN]" |
efetch -format docsum |
xtract -pattern GenomicInfoType -element ChrAccVer ChrStart ChrStop |
have coordinates where the start position is greater than the stop:
NC_000076.6 75773373 75771232
These can be read by a "while" loop:
while IFS=$'\t' read acn str stp
efetch -db nucleotide -format gb \
-id "$acn" -chr_start "$str" -chr_stop "$stp"
to return the reverse-complemented subregion in GenBank format:
LOCUS NC_000076 2142 bp DNA linear CON 08-AUG-2019
DEFINITION Mus musculus strain C57BL/6J chromosome 10, GRCm38.p6 C57BL/6J.
ACCESSION NC_000076 REGION: complement(75771233..75773374)
VERSION NC_000076.6
FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
source 1..2142
/organism="Mus musculus"
/mol_type="genomic DNA"
gene 1..2142
mRNA join(1..159,462..637,1869..2142)
/product="D-dopachrome tautomerase"
CDS join(52..159,462..637,1869..1941)
/product="D-dopachrome decarboxylase"
The reverse complement of a plus-strand sequence range can be selected with efetch -revcomp.
When a recursively defined object is given to an exploration command:
efetch -db taxonomy -id 9606,7227,10090 -format xml |
xtract -pattern Taxon -element TaxId ScientificName
the -element command only examines fields in the outermost objects:
9606 Homo sapiens
7227 Drosophila melanogaster
10090 Mus musculus
The star-slash-child construct will descend a single level into the hierarchy:
efetch -db taxonomy -id 9606,7227,10090 -format xml |
xtract -pattern Taxon -block "*/Taxon" \
-if Rank -is-not "no rank" \
-tab "\n" -element TaxId,Rank,ScientificName
to print data on the individual lineage objects:
2759 superkingdom Eukaryota
33208 kingdom Metazoa
7711 phylum Chordata
89593 subphylum Craniata
8287 superclass Sarcopterygii
40674 class Mammalia
Recursive objects can be fully explored with a double-star-slash-child construct:
esearch -db gene -query "rbcL [GENE] AND maize [ORGN]" |
efetch -format xml |
xtract -pattern Entrezgene -block "**/Gene-commentary" \
Metadata annotated in an attribute:
is selected with an "at" sign before the attribute name:
-if Gene-commentary_type@value -equals genomic \
-tab "\n" -element Gene-commentary_accession |
sort | uniq
This prints every genomic accession regardless of nesting depth:
The nquire program uses command-line arguments to request data from external CGI services. A query on curated biological database associations:
nquire -get http://mygene.info/v3/gene/2652 |
xtract -j2x -set - -rec GeneRec |
returns data containing a heterogeneous mixture of objects in the pathway section:
Signal Transduction
GPCRs, Class A Rhodopsin-like
The parent-slash-star construct is used to visit the individual components of a parent object without needing to explicitly specify their names. For printing, the name of a child object is indicated by a question mark:
xtract -pattern GeneRec -group "pathway/*" \
-pfc "\n" -element "?,name,id"
This displays a table of pathway database references:
reactome Signal Transduction R-HSA-162582
reactome Disease R-HSA-1643685
reactome Diseases of signal transduction R-HSA-5663202
wikipathways GPCRs, Class A Rhodopsin-like WP455
Entrez can report the fields and links that are indexed for each database. For example:
einfo -db protein -fields
will return a table of field abbreviations and names indexed for proteins:
ACCN Accession
ALL All Fields
ASSM Assembly
AUTH Author
BRD Breed
CULT Cultivar
DIV Division
FILT Filter
FKEY Feature key
GENE Gene Name
Fetching data from Entrez works well when a few thousand records are needed, but it does not scale for much larger sets of data, where the time it takes to download becomes a limiting factor. EDirect can now preload all 30 million PubMed records onto an inexpensive external 500 GB solid state drive for rapid retrieval.
For example, PMID 12345678 would be stored (as a compressed XML file) at:
using a hierarchy of folders to organize the data for random access to any record.
Set an environment variable in your .bash_profile configuration file to reference your external drive:
export EDIRECT_PUBMED_MASTER=/Volumes/external_disk_name_goes_here
and run:
to download the PubMed release files and distribute each record on the drive. This process will take several hours to complete, but subsequent updates are incremental, and should finish in minutes.
The local archive is a completely self-contained, turnkey system, with no need for the user to download and configure complicated third-party database software.
Retrieving a PubmedArticleSet containing over 120,000 PubMed records from the local archive:
esearch -db pubmed -query "PNAS [JOUR]" -pub abstract |
efetch -format uid | stream-pubmed | gunzip -c |
takes about 15 seconds. Retrieving those records from NCBI's network service, with efetch -format xml, would take around 40 minutes.
Even moderately large sets of PubMed query results can benefit from using the local cache. A reverse citation lookup on 191 papers:
esearch -db pubmed -query "Cozzarelli NR [AUTH]" | elink -cited |
requires 5 seconds to match 7156 subsequent articles. Fetching them from the local archive:
efetch -format uid | fetch-pubmed |
is practically instantaneous. Printing the names of all authors in those records:
xtract -pattern PubmedArticle -block Author \
-sep " " -tab "\n" -element LastName,Initials |
allows creation of a frequency table:
that lists the authors who most often cited the original papers:
112 Cozzarelli NR
73 Maxwell A
56 Wang JC
49 Osheroff N
48 Stasiak A
Fetching from the network service would extend the 7 second running time by 2 minutes.
A similar divide-and-conquer strategy is used to create a local information retrieval system suitable for large data mining queries. Run:
to populate retrieval index files from records stored in the local archive. This will also take a few hours.
For PubMed titles and primary abstracts, the indexing process deletes hyphens after specific prefixes, removes accents and diacritical marks, splits words at punctuation characters, corrects encoding artifacts, and spells out Greek letters for easier searching on scientific terms. It then prepares inverted indices with term positions, and uses them to build distributed term lists and postings files.
For example, the term list that includes "cancer" would be located at:
A query on cancer thus only needs to load a very small subset of the total index. This design allows efficient expression evaluation, unrestricted wildcard truncation, phrase queries, and proximity searches.
The phrase-search script provides access to the local search system. The full set of indexed terms, without record counts, can be printed for any field:
phrase-search -terms NORM
In local queries, a trailing asterisk is used to indicate term truncation:
phrase-search -count "catabolite repress*"
Using -counts returns expanded terms and individual postings counts:
phrase-search -counts "catabolite repress*"
Query evaluation includes Boolean operations and parenthetical expressions:
phrase-search -query "(literacy AND numeracy) NOT (adolescent OR child)"
Adjacent words in the query are treated as a contiguous phrase:
phrase-search -query "selective serotonin reuptake inhibit*"
More inclusive searches can use the Porter2 stemming algorithm:
phrase-search -query "monoamine oxidase inhibitor [STEM]"
Each plus sign will replace a single word inside a phrase:
phrase-search -query "vitamin c + + common cold"
Runs of tildes indicate the maximum distance between phrases:
phrase-search -query "vitamin c ~ ~ common cold"
MeSH hierarchy code and year of publication are also indexed:
phrase-search -query "C14.907.617.812* [TREE] AND 2015:2019 [YEAR]"
An exact match can search for all or part of a title or abstract:
phrase-search -exact "Genetic Control of Biochemical Reactions in Neurospora."
All query commands return a list of PMIDs, which can be piped directly to fetch-pubmed to retrieve the records. For example:
phrase-search -query "selective serotonin ~ ~ ~ reuptake inhibitor*" |
fetch-pubmed |
xtract -pattern PubmedArticle -num Author |
sort-uniq-count -n |
reorder-columns 2 1 |
head -n 25 |
tee /dev/tty |
xy-plot auth.png
performs a proximity search with dynamic wildcard expansion (matching phrases like "selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors") and fetches 12,170 PubMed records from the local archive. It then counts the number of authors for each paper, printing a frequency table of the number of papers per number of coauthors:
0 49
1 1350
2 1827
3 1835
4 1661
5 1457
6 1133
7 907
8 597
9 408
and creating a visual graph of the data. The entire set of commands runs in under 4 seconds.
The phrase-search and fetch-pubmed scripts are front-ends to the rchive program, which is used to build and search the inverted retrieval system. Rchive is multi-threaded for speed, and can match several PubMed titles per second, fetching the positional indices for all terms in parallel before evaluating the title words as a contiguous phrase.
If the expand-current script is run after archive-pubmed or index-pubmed, an ad hoc scan can be performed on the entire set of live PubMed records:
cat $EDIRECT_PUBMED_MASTER/Current/*.xml |
xtract -timer -pattern PubmedArticle \
-if "#Author" -eq 7 \
-element MedlineCitation/PMID LastName
in this case finding articles with seven authors. (Author count is not indexed by Entrez or locally by EDirect.)
Xtract uses the Boyer-Moore-Horspool algorithm to partition an XML stream into individual records, sending them down a thread-safe communication channel to be distributed among multiple instances of the data exploration and extraction function. On a modern six-core computer, it can process the full scan of all 30 million PubMed records in just under 4 minutes, a sustained rate of over 125,000 records per second.
The index-pubmed script also downloads MeSH descriptor information from NLM and creates a conversion file:
Ataxia Telangiectasia Mutated Proteins
that can be used for mapping MeSH codes to and from chemical or disease names. For example:
cat $EDIRECT_PUBMED_MASTER/Data/meshconv.xml |
xtract -pattern Rec \
-if Name -starts-with "ataxia telangiectasia" \
-element Code
will return:
The meshconv.xml file is prepared by use of the xtract -wrp command:
cat desc2020.xml |
xtract -wrp Set,Rec -pattern DescriptorRecord \
-wrp Code -element DescriptorRecord/DescriptorUI \
-wrp Name -first DescriptorName/String \
-wrp Tree -element TreeNumberList/TreeNumber |
xtract -format |
xtract -wrp Set -pattern Rec -sort Code
which wraps element contents in new XML tags by issuing several other formatting commands:
-pfx "" -sep "" -sfx ""
Additional annotation on PubMed can be downloaded and indexed by running:
NCBI's Biomedical Text Mining Group performs computational analysis of PubMed and PMC papers, and extracts chemical, disease, and gene references from the article contents (see PMID 31114887). Along with NLM Gene Reference Into Function mappings (see PMID 14728215), these terms are indexed in CHEM, DISZ, and GENE fields.
Recent research at Stanford defined biological themes, supported by dependency paths, which are indexed as THME and PATH fields. Theme keys in the Global Network of Biomedical Relationships are taken from a table in the paper (see PMID 29490008):
A+ Agonism, activation N Inhibits
A- Antagonism, blocking O Transport, channels
B Binding, ligand Pa Alleviates, reduces
C Inhibits cell growth Pr Prevents, suppresses
D Drug targets Q Production by cell population
E Affects expression/production Rg Regulation
E+ Increases expression/production Sa Side effect/adverse event
E- Decreases expression/production T Treatment/therapy
G Promotes progression Te Possible therapeutic effect
H Same protein or complex U Causal mutations
I Signaling pathway Ud Mutations affecting disease course
J Role in disease pathogenesis V+ Activates, stimulates
K Metabolism, pharmacokinetics W Enhances response
L Improper regulation linked to disease X Overexpression in disease
Md Biomarkers (diagnostic) Y Polymorphisms alter risk
Mp Biomarkers (progression) Z Enzyme activity
Themes common to multiple chemical-disease-gene relationships are disambiguated so they can be queried individually. The expanded list, along with MeSH category codes and examples of query automation, can be seen with:
phrase-search -help
The phrase-search -filter command allows PMIDs to be generated by an EDirect search and then incorporated as a component in a local query:
esearch -db pubmed -query "complement system proteins [MESH]" |
efetch -format uid |
phrase-search -filter "L [THME] AND D10* [TREE]"
This finds PubMed papers about complement proteins and limits them by the "improper regulation linked to disease" theme and the lipids MeSH chemical category:
Intermediate lists of PMIDs can be saved to a file and piped (with "cat") into a subsequent phrase-search -filter query, or uploaded to the Entrez history server by piping to:
epost -db pubmed -format uid
The experimental xplore script expands the EDirect paradigm to navigate connections in the biological resources of the BioThings.io data integration project at Scripps Research (see PMID 23175613). A drug repurposing example (see PMID 29390967):
xplore -load hgvs "chr6:g.26093141G>A,chr12:g.111351981C>T" |
xplore -link ncbigene |
xplore -link wikipathways |
xplore -link ncbigene |
xplore -link uniprot |
xplore -link inchikey |
xplore -save uid
runs in 20 seconds and returns 1042 chemicals that might act on gene products in pathways associated with two diseases, and would thus be potential candidates for treating hereditary hemochromatosis or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. There is initial support in xplore -search for -organism and -action shortcuts, similar to what is available in efilter for Entrez data.
As part of this development, xtract gained a -path exploration command and support for multi-level object addresses, delimited by periods or slashes:
xtract -path pathway.wikipathways.id -tab "\n" -element id
Consolidated gene information retrieved in JSON format:
nquire -get http://mygene.info/v3 gene 3043 |
contains a multi-dimensional JSON array of exon coordinates:
"position": [
This can be converted to XML with xtract -j2x:
xtract -j2x -set - -rec GeneRec -nest plural |
using "-nest plural" to derive a parent name that keeps the internal structure intact in XML:
Individual exons can then be visited by piping the record through:
xtract -pattern GeneRec -group exons \
-block positions -pfc "\n" -element position
to print a tab-delimited table of start and stop positions:
5225463 5225726
5226576 5226799
5226929 5227071
Tab-delimited data is easily converted to XML with xtract -t2x:
nquire -ftp ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov gene/DATA gene_info.gz |
gunzip -c | grep -v NEWENTRY | cut -f 2,3 |
xtract -t2x -set Set -rec Rec -skip 1 Code Name
This takes a series of command-line arguments with tag names for wrapping the individual columns, and skips the first line of input, which contains header information, to generate a new XML file:
Namespace prefixes are indicated by a colon, and a leading colon matches any prefix:
nquire -url "http://webservice.wikipathways.org" getPathway -pwId WP455 |
xtract -pattern "ns1:getPathwayResponse" -decode ":gpml" |
The -decode argument converts Base64-encoded data back to its original binary form. In this case, encoding was used to embed Graphical Pathway Markup Language inside another XML object:
xtract -pattern Pathway -block Xref \
-if @Database -equals "Entrez Gene" \
-tab "\n" -element @ID
EDirect consists of a set of scripts and programs that are downloaded to the user's computer.
EDirect will run on Unix and Macintosh computers that have the Perl language installed, and under the Cygwin Unix-emulation environment on Windows PCs.
To install the EDirect software, open a terminal window and execute one of the following two commands:
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/entrezdirect/install-edirect.sh)"
sh -c "$(wget -q ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/entrezdirect/install-edirect.sh -O -)"
or follow the detailed installation instructions in the EDirect web documentation.
This downloads several scripts into an "edirect" folder in the user's home directory. It then fetches any missing Perl modules, and installs platform-specific precompiled executables for xtract and rchive.
At the end of this process, the script will ask for permission to add EDirect to your PATH permanently by editing your configuration file. If you answer "y" it will add:
export PATH=${PATH}:$HOME/edirect
to the end of your .bash_profile file. If you answer "n", you should then manually edit .bash_profile to add the edirect folder as one of the components of your existing PATH assignment statement.
Documentation for EDirect is on the web at:
EDirect navigation functions call the URL-based Entrez Programming Utilities:
NCBI database resources are described by:
Information on how to obtain an API Key is described in this NCBI blogpost:
Additional sample EDirect queries are available from:
xtract -examples
Questions or comments on EDirect may be sent to info@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov.
This research was supported by the Intramural Research Program of the National Library of Medicine at the NIH.