0) create UGENE tarball with 'source' installer 1) set up RPM directory tree[*]. On Fedora it's default location is /usr/src/redhat If the default RPM directory tree isn't accesible, it can be created anywhere else. In this case you should create file called .rpmmacros in yout home directory containing following line: %_topdir = /path/to/rpm/directory/tree 2) put UGENE tarball into SOURCES directory 3) put ugene.spec into SPECS directory 4) modify %version and 'Release' in ugene.spec if needed. Check that 'Source' is the proper name of UGENE tarball. 5) run 'rpmbuild -bb ugene.spec' for creating binary rpm 6) if rpmbuild succeed, the package is created in RPMS directory NOTE: If changing default installation path in gb2_globals.pri is needed then corresponding paths in %files section of ugene.spec should also be modified. [*] example: /usr/src/redhat/BUILD /usr/src/redhat/RPMS /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES /usr/src/redhat/SPECS /usr/src/redhat/SRPMS