Rcorrector is distributed with a version of jellyfish that seems require a complicated set of files to run jellyfish. It turns out that all you really need is a single pre-compiled binary for jellyfish, which we now put into $BIRCH/bin-$BIRCH_PLATFORM. Once we have ascertained that this really works, we can delete $BIRCH/bin-$BIRCH_PLATFORM/jellyfish.old $BIRCH/lib-$BIRCH_PLATFORM/jellyfish.old # Old notes for jellyfish 2.2.x #The goal is to get a portable version of Rcorrector and the accompanying Jellyfish #release, so that Jellyfish can also be used by other programs in BIRCH. # Note on Makefile: Rcorrector-master/Makefile There was a problem getting the makefile to work with the current version of jellyfish, which is 2.2.7, so we stick with 2.2.4 Just run make on the default version of the Makefile #Make Symbolic links to both rcorrector and jellyfish {venus:/home/psgendb/BIRCHDEV/bin-linux-x86_64}ln -s ../pkg/Rcorrector-master/rcorrector {venus:/home/psgendb/BIRCHDEV/bin-linux-x86_64}ln -s ../pkg/Rcorrector-master/jellyfish/bin/jellyfish Rcorrector-master/jellyfish/bin/jellyfish This script by default hard-wires paths upon installation. It turns out that all jellyfish really needs is to have Rcorrector-master/jellyfish/bin/.libs in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH However, for portability we have a separate lib directory for each platform, and use the BIRCH_PLATFORM directory to find it. The jellyfish script has been modified to that end. To add a new platform, all that should be necessary is to remake jellyfish on the new platform and add a jellyfish directory to the lib-$BIRCH_PLATFORM directory for that platform.