These answers have been contributed by many people including the Acedb team (Richard Durbin, Jean Thierry-Mieg, Ed Griffiths and Rob Clack.
this all needs html-ing...we need a template file to do this....
What is the significance of the small, transparent circle drawn on a genetic interval rendered by the map view "Interval_JTM"? It's almost like they're error bars.
The bar denotes a deletion the double bar a duplication The circle is written on the bar somewhere at the same level as the circle, abit more to the right in a single column you find the name of the deletion/duplication
when you zoom sufficiently out, the name and the circle disappear so the name is always written in the same area as the del/dup
in the same way, the locus/gene name show first as full names then reduce to 3 letter, then to 1 letter then drop out but are never further of vertically than about 1cm (centimeter of screen, not centi Morgan !)
the circle is there for you to know hwo is who if you print the display as opposed to having it on screen and clicking whereby the name and the bar change color
by the way do you all know that from the menu you can choose a scale where things are visible and print the WHOLE map. This is done in acedb by treating the printer as a screen of finite width but potentialy infinite length