In the past we have used a specially programemd mode in emacs
to record changelogs in source files. Since using CVS for source
code maintenance, we also record messages using CVS. We have now
discovered that CVS can automaitcally insert those messages
in the file.
This mechanism might render the existing emacs-mode logs obsolete
The CVS documentation mentions a few problems associated with the auto-insertion $Log: log_discussion.shtml,v $
The CVS documentation mentions a few problems associated with the auto-insertion Revision 1.1 2000/03/02 14:30:30 edgrif
The CVS documentation mentions a few problems associated with the auto-insertion winfo/Proposals/log_discussion.shtml - initial revision created by edgrif
The CVS documentation mentions a few problems associated with the auto-insertion approach.
NOT true in our case - files are often moved back and forth, even between developers with an ineterest in log info.
NOT relevant misbehaviuor in our case, as we don't use branches.
COULD be a problem, but discipline is required not to amend log info
once inserted ion the file.
If the log info gets inserted at the end of the file, we might resits
the urge to fix spelling mistakes etc.
I quite like the format that is used by the emacs mode. The messages entered have been sparse in the past, but people have been better recently about inserting concise and descriptive message at the file header. These messages often contain important developer information, like function x moved to y, or variable a renamed b etc. whereas the cvs logs should be more verbose and of interest to people that haven't been involved in the development of that particular module (like me, when I'm writing release notes from the cvs logs).
One of the problems is that all logs up to now are in cvs and not in the files, and although a script could pull out the cvs logs and add them to *EACH and EVERY* file, as if they'd been inserted by cvs in the first place.
The other problem, is the fact that the emacs headers contain vital information that might not have been logged in the cvs messages. merging them might take up a lot of time.
I wouldn't agree with a gradual changeover, that leaves the emacs logs at the top, but now continues with the cvs insertion. Acedb suffers too much already from gradual changeovers that have never been completed and were never done 'all the way'.
The format of the CVS log insertions is quite nice also. This is an example :
/* * $Log: log_discussion.shtml,v $ * Revision 1.1 2000/03/02 14:30:30 edgrif * winfo/Proposals/log_discussion.shtml - initial revision created by edgrif * * Revision 1.5 1998/10/14 09:17:07 fw * did something * * Revision 1.4 1998/10/14 09:12:58 mieg * small changes bla bla * * Revision 1.3 1996/05/09 15:16:47 rd * Fixed function xx() * .... */
I am in favour of a changeover, but it certainly required a lot of work. Most of that work would be to merge emacs log with cvs logs, which might be tediuos in some cases.
While we do that cleaning up the headers of some source files would be nice, as some are badly cluttered with stuff that should be thought about again and/or move to private header files.
During the changeover, we would also have to touch *EVERY* file in the CVS system, and might gather a better idea of what is there and how to pull it together better or how to modularise it better.
If we agree, that the CVS log mechanism should be adopted, we only have to problem to decide whether it is worth investing the time to do the changeover properly. I think we'd all benefit from it. Changelogs are a good idea, so we should make best use of them.