Update Feb. 28, 2019 Spades is a bit tricky to install. How it runs --------------- spades.py is the key script that runs everything else. It in turn calls spades_init.py, which figures out where all files are. First, it resolves the chain of symbolic links (if any) to find out where spades.py REALLY is. That is taken as the true path to all the rest of spades. How it's installed on BIRCH -------------------- To facilitate a consistent multiplatform install, we do the following: 1. In the master SPAdes directory, create a subdirectory for each platform eg. linux-x86_64. Also, move the share directory to the SPAdes directory, since that is used for all platforms. 2. In each platform directory, we have a bin directory, as well as a symbolic link to share in the parent directory. 3. in each $BIRCH/bin-$BIRCH_PLATFORM directory, create symbolic links to the python scripts in the corresponding SPAdes subdirectory. makelinks.sh ../pkg/spades/linux-x86_64/bin *.py makelinks.sh ../pkg/spades/osx-x86_64/bin \*.py 4. In each SPAdes/platform/bin directory: - move the binaries to the $BIRCH/bin-$BIRCH_PLATFORM directory mv spades-* ../../../../bin-osx-x86_64 - make symbolic links to those executables. makelinks.sh ../../../../bin-linux-x86_64 spades-* cds-mapping-stats cds-subgraphs mag-improve spades-bwa spades-convert-bin-to-fasta spades-core spades-corrector-core spades-gbuilder spades-gmapper spades-gsimplifier spades-hammer spades-ionhammer spades-kmer-estimating spades-kmercount spades-read-filter spades-truseq-scfcorrection 5. In *.py scripts, make sure the 1st line specifies python3